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Rainbow Promise

This prayer page is about prayer and help on how to pray with links to where you can go to ask for prayer.

How do we go about being able to pray in a way that is effective?

Because God is our Father we need to come to Him believing that we will recieve what we are asking for.

But we can only really do that if we know Him as our Father, and really know how much He loves us.

Now because God is Holy we can only know that love if we really want to be free from our sins.

The wonderful thing is that God is really ready to help us to confess our many sins and through the Holy Spirit to gain victory over them bit by bit by bit.

So even if we are a Christian and not just an unbeliever we often see prayers not answered in the way we want them to be because we are not being honest with God. Strangly enough an unbeliever knows that things are not right and often comes to God in desperation, hiding nothing from Him and then goes through a life changing experience from it.
So we are not to come to God with a demand list because that shows that we do not trust God and we do not know His love.
Instead we need to come to Him honestly and in love for and with Him and let the Holy Spirit guide our prayers.
When we start to pray in agreement with the Holy Spirit, we will see our prayers being answered.
The amazing thing is we will enjoy praying when the Holy Spirit is guiding us, and it will be what He is bringing to us that will be the very things that we need.

So it is that prayer becomes a time of rejoicing and not a time of seeming hard and boring activity.

So we notice that right in the middle of what is called the Lord's Prayer we are instructed to forgive others their sins against us.
Wow! we say that is not fair they do not deserve to be foregiven. Then if that is the case then we do not deserve to be foregiven either.

So the sooner we get rid of our demands and our unforegiveness the sooner we will flow in prayers that are answered.
The sooner we learn patience and to trust God out of love, then the easier we will find it even if we have to wait for the right time to see them answered.

Then let us start thanking God for all He has done for us and is going to do for us.

So before going to one of the prayer request links take time to be honest with God and hide nothing from Him, and realize that He really does love you and knows what is best for you.
How to Find God

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© Copyright JR JF Brumby Arke Promotions